Seems a Catholic priest in Greensville South Carolina is a little upset over the results of the election here in the U.S. So much so that he has "requested" that parishioners who voted for Barak Obama "not present themselves for communion until they go to confession first". Yep, you read that right, he's pissed off because Obama won and he's threatening to withhold crackers for those who haven't seen the light and gathered the moral arms for a new Confederacy. Here's the link if you want to read the entire story including the priest's letter to his parishioners.
Here's my stand on Politics from the Pulpit; As long as churches and other religious organizations involve themselves the political process by acting as PACs (Political Action Committees) then they should not be allowed to maintain the tax exempt status that they enjoy. If they are not paying taxes then they are leaching off the services provided to them by the very government that they are trying to influence.
Two Lunar Landers are Off to the Moon
Back in the 60’s and 70’s it was all about the Moon. The Apollo program
took human beings to the Moon for the first time and now over 50 years
later thin...
50 minutes ago
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